Helena Ryan

This month’s interview and extended profile is with our Togher Tiger Helena Ryan.

When/How/Why did you take up running?

I always liked keeping active and was big into the gym, however my very good friend Dee convinced me to do the mini marathon with her in 2005 and that’s where it all started 😊

When and Why did you join Togher AC?

Joined in September 2018 as I wanted to try to improve and challenge myself a bit more pace wise and add more structure to my training.  Also I guess speed work is something that is very difficult solo so I was hoping I would fit in with a group for this type of training.

What is/are your preferred distances?

I think I do prefer longer distance because the pace isn’t as intense as the shorter distances, however having said that in the shorter races you know the suffering is short if you can tolerate it for that length of time 😊

What is/are your PB’s?

Nothing to write home about but last year I finally managed to break the 22 min mark for 5k so now by pb stands at 21.30.  I also managed just under 1.15h for 10 mile so I was happy with those results as achieved the goal I was aiming for. 

What is your proudest running moment?

Crossing the finish line in cork marathon in 2018 with my daughter after having a failed attempt in 2017. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!!! 

Who is/are your coaches?

The brilliant duo Aidan Hartnett and Tony Kelleher. Always so supportive and encouraging and thoroughly committed to the club. 

What is your most memorable race/running moment and why?

Got to be the marathon.  In a previous life I thought people were mad for signing up to run that distance, little did I know I would become one of those mad people!!

What do you like most about Togher AC?

The friendliness of everyone, I felt truly welcome from day one.  Joining in with an already established group can be daunting on the first night but I can honestly say I always felt so welcome and I think it’s the same for new people now who regularly arrive at the track on a tues night, they are integrated into the group instantly.

What would you say to someone thinking of taking up running?

Go for it! Don’t over think it, just get out there and start, you don’t have to be the best as I’m certainly not but I keep trying and the endorphins and feeling of accomplishment after a tough session or race is second to none.  

Who is your favourite sporting hero?

I don’t really have one, I love to watch lots of athletes achieve but I guess when they are Irish athletes its even more exciting.

What is your favourite food?

I adore peanut butter😊 cheese and chocolate of course !

What is your favourite drink?

I’m not a big drinker but enjoy a glass of white wine or prosecco.

What is your favourite film?

I love musicals in general. I love the likes of Mamma Mia, Dirty Dancing all that kind of stuff.