Alison Donnelly

Alison Donnelly

This month’s interview and extended profile is with senior athlete Alison Donnelly.

When/how/why did you take up running?

Did some cross country races in school – thought it was the worst form of torture ever invented at the time but anything to get out of class! 

When and why did you join Togher AC?

When I was 15 a few of my friends told me they had joined a running club so I went along to a training session with John Hayes. Ended up really enjoying the training and stayed with the club all through the rest of school

What is/are your preferred distance/s?

I like the shorter distances at the moment, so probably 5k

What is/are your PB/s?

1500m 5.16

5k 19.13

10k 42.04

What is your proudest running moment?

Has to be breaking the 20 min 5k in April – I remember setting that goal about 4 years ago so it was a long time coming! 

Who is/are your coach/es?

Tony Kelleher and Aidan Hartnett. They are fantastic, the support is second to none and their track sessions are always so well planned and cater towards everyone.

What is your main running goal for the next 12 months?

To do a good variety of races (cross country, track, road) and get some more pbs hopefully! 

What is your most memorable race/running moment and why? 

My first race back after a long time out from a knee operation

What do you like most about Togher AC?

How inclusive and supportive the club is…there is a pace and group for everyone.

What would you say to someone thinking of taking up running?

Don’t go out and do a max effort for every run…then you might hate it😁

Who is your favourite sporting hero?

Hard to name one – I really admire Sonia O’Sullivan, Katie Taylor and Rhasidat Adeleke 

What is your favourite food, drink and movie?

Food – Pepperoni pizza 🍕 

Drink – Lucozade sport after a long run 

Movie – Lone Survivor